Did you know there were four movies in “The Prince and Me” Saga?

Netflix is bringing The Prince and Me 4 – The Elephant Adventure out this month. WHAT IS THIS?

I had to find out the issues behind this saga, that never needed to be a saga, because one of The Prince and Me is just enough, thank you very much.

First there was the OG – starring Julia Stiles. pm1

Then, there was the sequel, starring Not Julia Stiles. Same guy, but different girl. She was the one who played Lizzie Bennett in the Mormon Pride and Prejudice, which is also…not.good.


She makes her appearance again in Part 3:


But apparently she got another guy – and together, they are making #4, appearing on Netflix:


This one looks like they are not even trying anymore. Even the poster looks photoshopped – it’s like they are not even sitting together on an elephant. How do we believe in the magic?